Ol' Sol

Ol’ Sol is trying to kill us all!
A TTRPZ where you (and some friends) try to survive a week of heatwave and create an 8 page zine chronicling your struggles. One player is the horrible sun and the other players must find shelter each day to keep their body temperature at 38 degrees celsius or below. No matter how alluring the infrastructure, Ol' Sol has his ways to ruin your day. If players' body temperature exceeds 38 for 3 days in a row, they are dead (booklet includes table of grotesque medical descriptions for reference)
Suitable for summer loathers and their summer loving friends who need to be made aware of medical horrors the sun can induce.
You receive:
1 x Ol' Sol badge (limited stock)
1 x blank 8 pager zine to get you started
3 x card decks you get to assemble (pastel tone A4 200gsm card)
1 x instruction booklet (white 80gsm innards with bold colour 125gsm cover variants)
Gameplay takes about one hour with chatty roleplay of players' plans for the day, the sun smiting them, nice restful zinemaking lulls, creation of new locations.
House rules we enjoyed during launch week that are not included in the booklet:
- when a player dies, they can be a ghost for future days and choose to act on a location trait
- players who have a temperature reducing object with them irl can play it once as a death save
- instant death when temperature exceeds 60C
OPTIONAL: add Amphisbean to this item because it is also a TTRPZ I made and it is a nice zinemaking session for your RP group.